Monday, November 13, 2006


Why do I constantly put myself in a position to be disappointed? Could it be because I'm crazy? There's a good possibility of that. Hell let's be honest, there's a better than not chance that it is.

Do I have a great life? Sure do! I get to play soccer all I want, I ski in the winter, I read to my hearts content, I play video games whenever the urge strikes, I'm appreciated for the most part at my places of work, I can't think of a person in this world that hates me, and the people that I associate with on a daily basis are good to me. The point is that I have a great life. Many a person would be envious of what I have been blessed with.

Then why do I feel horribly unfulfilled?

Could it be that I've honestly done very little with my life? I've done some good things for people, some that I've known and many that I haven't, but I've not offered anything great to society in general. How can I change that? What should I do to change that? Better yet, what's the best way to go about changing that?

I've had plenty of time to think about it lately as I no longer have a life. Am I any closer to an answer? Not really, no. My brilliant ideas? Teacher, cop, counselor, politics, military, peace corps, ect. The cream of the crop? Get a college degree in business and make the most money I can. Selfish you say? Wrong I'd reply. That money would most certainly sustain my life, but it would also go to others that need it far more than I ever will. I have this thing I tell people all the time: I will always be able to make more money, but I may not always get the chance to do good.

Is that the reason for my empty feeling inside? I honestly don't know. I just feel disappointed with the things that I'm doing in my life. I love to do the things I do, don't get me wrong, but it sometimes feels that every decision I make is one that leads to more disappointment in the end. Or maybe it's something else entirely. I know one sure fire way to figure it out though. Time to get moving and become someone sucessful. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't, but I sure mean to find out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel the same way.


3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What/who do you live for?

10:25 AM  

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