Winter Wonderland!!
Imagine my surprise when I woke up on a wonerful saturday morning to snow on the ground!!

Oh yes, I was so shocked it made my hair stand on end!! I don't think I've honestly seen snow this early in a long time, if you're name is Courtney you've probably never even seen this much snow in your lifetime! HEHE

I could hardly believe my luck when just a handfull of days later the snow managed to find it's way to my front yard and my car! I'm sure all of you good people got my text message. hehe Sorry about that, I was just a wee bit excited!
I'll be inserting some cool pictures that feature snow when my fancy new card reader decides that in wants to be compatable with my silly confuser.
Needless to say, I'm excited about the coming season!! I can't wait to get started working at the ski shop. No more crazy stress inducing manager to work for. I'm the dude in charge, and you can't really beat that can you? I knew you'd see it my way!
I'll be trying to do a better job of keeping up on this here blog thingy in the future. I've just been busy doing other things, such as having a life and what not. More interresting things to come, TRUST ME!!

Oh yes, I was so shocked it made my hair stand on end!! I don't think I've honestly seen snow this early in a long time, if you're name is Courtney you've probably never even seen this much snow in your lifetime! HEHE

I could hardly believe my luck when just a handfull of days later the snow managed to find it's way to my front yard and my car! I'm sure all of you good people got my text message. hehe Sorry about that, I was just a wee bit excited!
I'll be inserting some cool pictures that feature snow when my fancy new card reader decides that in wants to be compatable with my silly confuser.
Needless to say, I'm excited about the coming season!! I can't wait to get started working at the ski shop. No more crazy stress inducing manager to work for. I'm the dude in charge, and you can't really beat that can you? I knew you'd see it my way!
I'll be trying to do a better job of keeping up on this here blog thingy in the future. I've just been busy doing other things, such as having a life and what not. More interresting things to come, TRUST ME!!