Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Winter Wonderland!!

Imagine my surprise when I woke up on a wonerful saturday morning to snow on the ground!!

Oh yes, I was so shocked it made my hair stand on end!! I don't think I've honestly seen snow this early in a long time, if you're name is Courtney you've probably never even seen this much snow in your lifetime! HEHE

I could hardly believe my luck when just a handfull of days later the snow managed to find it's way to my front yard and my car! I'm sure all of you good people got my text message. hehe Sorry about that, I was just a wee bit excited!

I'll be inserting some cool pictures that feature snow when my fancy new card reader decides that in wants to be compatable with my silly confuser.

Needless to say, I'm excited about the coming season!! I can't wait to get started working at the ski shop. No more crazy stress inducing manager to work for. I'm the dude in charge, and you can't really beat that can you? I knew you'd see it my way!

I'll be trying to do a better job of keeping up on this here blog thingy in the future. I've just been busy doing other things, such as having a life and what not. More interresting things to come, TRUST ME!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Vacation Fun!!

Alright, after a long break of being a cheap bastard and not wanting to pay for a card reader for my ghetto digital camera it's time to share my vacation fun! We shall now have pictures to follow along with! Doesn't that sound like fun? I knew you'd say yes!

The first day started out rather early with me having to go and rent a car to make my trip. My car has unfortunatly been lots of trouble lately. It drives ok, but I certainly didn't trust it to make this trip without some major problems. So I had to lower myself to driving one of these. . .

You may never see my driving an American made car ever again. It was almost more than I could bare! :P In all honesty though, if you want a good economical little car, that car would be a great option. I averaged around 35 miles to the gallon, and that was with a lot of hill climbing. When I was on the flats I was getting into the middle fourties! Can you imagine that? From an American car no less! But I digress.

I know you're supposed to drive with both hands on the wheel, but then how would I have taken all these awesome pictures? I couldn't have. So here they are. . .

It was a long and lonely road. . .

But I was fairly happy. . .

Good thing the sceenery was good!

Who'd have thought I'd run into a couple of clowns in the middle of nowhere?

If you can read it, it says "John Beck, Rodeo Clown, Sandy, Utah" hehe Now to continue with the good stuff.

Possibly the most beautiful thing I've seen in some time. . .

Almost to my destination, one of my only non-rolling shots. . .

Here was my home for the next three days. . .

Yeah, I slept on that couch. Let me tell you what, that's one hell of a comfortable couch. Although I probably kicked a certain someone in the head a couple of times, sorry dude. :)

I'll tell you it was nice to have a vacation, and be able to spend that time with a house full of good friends. It was my friend Mike's birthday and we had some good times. Much halo was played, and a pinata was pwned at some point during the weekend. I missed out on that part of the fun. I played football and proved that I should stick to soccer. My hands aren't what you would call ball catching machines. Then there was the paintball. You want to talk about the worst field I've ever seen and smelled. It was fun though, and I'd say I can't wait to play again with my friends. It was kinda sad as the people left the house, but it's ok because we'll all get together again! On monday I was finally forced to leave and head back to my boring job. *sniff* :(

So begins the trip back, not as many pictures, but there are a couple of good ones.

Almost missed that one hehehe

There's a store in that rock!

The sun was setting on my long drive home.

A special thanks to Yellow for helping get me there and back!